Kernel regression using polynomial kernel
Here we provide an example of input file to perform kernel noise ML
(KNML) fit for W. The relevant files are provided in
For the models like kernel are performed using ml_type=1
. However,
any kernel fit requires one pre-processing step, which actually are two
:). Here are listed all three:
perfrom a LML fit with the same descriptor that you intend to perform kernel fit:
get the representative environements from your databases:
. Those atomic environements will define your kernel.perform the kernel fit:
All these steps should be run in the same directory. Lets take, one by one.
Problem: we want a kernel fit based on BSO4 descriptor, for W.
The input of each step are stored in vacancy.ml_01
and vacancy.ml_03
files. At each step please copy
all of them in
1. LML fit Typical ml
file vacancy.ml_01
!ML model
ml_type=0 !set 0 to perform the fit using basis functions
mld_order=1 !set 1 for linear regression
mld_fit_type=4 !lapack full SVD with rank estimation
desc_forces=.true. !set true to fit the forces
!Define your system
fix_no_of_elements=1 !the number of chemical species in the system
chemical_elements=" W " !the system composition, ordered as in DB files
!Descriptor settings
r_cut=4.7d0 !set the cutoff distace Rc
descriptor_type=9 !set 9 for bispectrum SO4
j_max=4.0 !angular moment for bispectrum SO4
2. Selection of kernel points The selection in this example is done
using MCD/Mahalanobis distance. You should define the classes that
define the MCD class and the exponent Please note: ml_type=-2
The content of the file vacancy.ml_02
!ML model
ml_type=-2 !set -2 to perform kernel selection
mld_order=1 !set 1 for linear regression
mld_fit_type=4 !lapack full SVD with rank estimation
desc_forces=.true. !set true to fit the forces
!Define your system
fix_no_of_elements=1 !the number of chemical species in the system
chemical_elements=" W " !the system composition, ordered as in DB files
!Descriptor settings
r_cut=4.7d0 !set the cutoff distace Rc
descriptor_type=9 !set 9 for bispectrum SO4
j_max=4.0 !angular moment for bispectrum SO4
!Kernel dump settings
write_kernel_matrix=.true. !write or not the selected kernel.
n_pca=3 !set 3 (default)
classes_for_mcd="07 08 13" !classes used for the MCD reference.
!Choose the classes more close to the bulk, MD bulk, deformed bulk etc
power_mcd=0.05d0 !exponent used for the grid of selction of kernel.
np_kernel_ref=1000 !number of proposed points in the MCD class
np_kernel_full=4000 !number of points outside the MCD class
kernel_dump=2 !set 2 for MCD/MAHALANOBIS
3. kernel fit.
Just change in previous ml file: ml_type=1
and set the characteristic of kernel.
Let’s look to the vacancy.ml_03
!ML model
ml_type=1 !set 1 to perform kernel fit
mld_order=1 !set 1 for linear regression
mld_fit_type=4 !lapack full SVD with rank estimation
desc_forces=.true. !set true to fit the forces
!Define your system
fix_no_of_elements=1 !the number of chemical species in the system
chemical_elements=" W " !the system composition, ordered as in DB files
!Descriptor settings
r_cut=4.7d0 !set the cutoff distace Rc
descriptor_type=9 !set 9 for bispectrum SO4
j_max=4.0 !angular moment for bispectrum SO4
!Kernel dump settings
write_kernel_matrix=.false. !write or not the selected kernel.!set 3 (default)
n_pca=3 !set 3 (default)
classes_for_mcd="07 08 13" !classes used for the MCD reference.
!Choose the classes more close to the bulk, MD bulk, deformed bulk etc
power_mcd=0.05d0 !exponent used for the grid of selction of kernel.
np_kernel_ref=1000 !number of proposed points in the MCD class
np_kernel_full=4000 !number of points outside the MCD class
kernel_dump=3 !set 3 dump by MCD/MAHALANOBIS
!Kernel settings
kernel_type=4 !set 4 for polynomial kernel.
kernel_power=4 !order of polynomial kernel
length_kernel=0.05 !hyperparameter, test more!
sigma_kernel=0.d0 !hyperparameter, set 0 in milady